Cloud Bouncer

Tower Ride

Cloud Bouncer Ride Six Flags Over Texas


42" Height Requirement
None with Adult

Seatbelt Restraints

Low Thrill
Opened April 28, 2006
Ride Type Samba Tower
Ride Height 42 Feet, 11 Inches
Baskets 8
Riders Per Basket 4
Riders Per Hour 800
Manufacturer Zamperla

45th Anniversary Addition

Cloud Bouncer, located in the park's USA section near Judge Roy Scream, takes riders up the tower in a spinning motion. The ride was installed in 2006 as part of a ten-attraction package that came to the park for its 45th anniversary. Much like a standard teacups attraction, each basket features a wheel that allows riders to control their spinning speed.

Cloud Bouncer riders are able to control the spinning speed of their individual baskets.

Cloud Bouncer is located in the park’s USA section.

Cloud Bouncer debuted as part of the park’s 45th anniversary celebration.

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